Национальный информационный офис
программ ЕС по науке и инновациям в Беларуси

Объявлены конкурсы на присоединение к большим научным проектам
Адрес документа: http://fp7-nip.org.by/ru/partnerinfo/propeuro/Impress.html

Объявлено несколько конкурсов на присоединение к большим научным проектам (интегрированным – терминология 6РП), см. http://cordis.europa.eu/fp6/projects_call.htm. Наиболее перспективен с точки зрения возможности подключения белорусских партнеров, по нашему мнению, проект IMPRESS в области нанотехнологий и новых материалов:
Project title: Intermetallic Materials Processing in Relation to Earth and Space Solidification (IMPRESS)
Activity Area: Nanotechnologies, Materials and Processing (NMP)
In order to complement the work program of the IMPRESS Integrated Project, the partners invite a university-based organisation, with a demonstrated track-record in the field of TiAl recycling, to join the Consortium by submitting a proposal addressing the following 'demonstration' tasks:
  • interact with existing academic and industrial partners, typically those involved in TiAl alloy development, industrial casting, thermodynamics and materials characterisation
  • perform TiAl recycling and de-oxidation trials using established refining processes, as well as perform quality control following aerospace specifications
  • support the techno-economic analysis of TiAl recycling and process up-scaling
Deadline: The call closes on 09 November 2007 at 17h00 (Brussels time)
Expected duration of participation in the project: November 2007 — November 2009
Criteria for selection of the proposals by independent experts include: the scientific and technological excellence of the work proposed, the quality of the proposer and the mobilisation of resources.
Additional information: www.spaceflight.esa.int/impress (see vacancies webpage)
© Национальный информационный офис программ ЕС по науке и инновациям, Минск, Республика Беларусь 2004-2014. http://fp7-nip.org.by/
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