Национальный информационный офис
программ ЕС по науке и инновациям в Беларуси

Проект «Интегрированные фотонные функции мм-диапазона для широкополосной cвязи» (Integrated Photonic mm-Wave Functions For Broadband Connectivity, IPHOBAC) объявил конкурс на включение в состав консорциума новых партнеров
Адрес документа: http://fp7-nip.org.by/ru/partnerinfo/propeuro/c5f6045b0a358f7e.html

Проект «Интегрированные фотонные функции мм-диапазона для широкополосной cвязи» (Integrated Photonic mm-Wave Functions For Broadband Connectivity, IPHOBAC) объявил конкурс на включение в состав консорциума новых партнеров.
Activity area: Information Society Technologies
Call announcement: Call for an additional partner
The IST Integrated project IPHOBAC is searching for an industrial partner capable of exploiting and demonstrating the functionalities and applicability of new optoelectronic mm-wave generators, especially in the field of instrumentation. The key technical objective of this Call is to develop a new class of mm-wave synthesizers/-sources featuring a PLL and a broadband vectorial modulation capability by utilizing the integrated optoelectronic mm-wave generators, modulators and transceivers developed in the IPHOBAC project. Besides the technical objectives, the new partner is expected to contribute to the specifications, demonstrations and exploitation of the functionalities and applicability of the integrated photonic mm-wave components developed in IPHOBAC.
Thus the call especially addresses leading European companies active in the field of fabricating ultra-wideband mm-wave synthesizers and analyzers as well as stable reference mm-wave sources. The new industrial partner is expected to have a significant market share in the area of instrumentation and will be required to be active not only in the RTD and demonstration activities of the IPHOBAC project but also in the exploitation and dissemination of results.
Последний срок подачи заявки: 3 апреля  2007 г.
Дополнительная информация: www.ist-iphobac.org/call
© Национальный информационный офис программ ЕС по науке и инновациям, Минск, Республика Беларусь 2004-2014. http://fp7-nip.org.by/
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